Official Pro Players Fight 4 a Cause Teen Dating Violence Virtual Awareness.
We love our community.

October 24, 2021

October 31, 2020
Every year Official Pro Players (OPP) conducts a domestic violence initiative advocating for awareness with the hopes of saving as many lives as possible. This year we realized millions of teens experience dating violence on a daily basis.

November 7, 2020
Official Pro Players Inc (OPP) presents it’s monthly couples initiative. OPP hosts and provides a space for married couples to grow in love.

November 2, 2019
Sandy Springs, GA
It was Fight Night!! Official Pro Players at another empowering and live atmosphere as athletes join the fight against domestic violence and raising awareness.
January 25th, 2019
Atlanta, GA
Official Pro Players (OPP) and ME Inc. kicked-off the Super Bowl in Atlanta on Friday, Jan 25th with an NFL meet and greet experience.

Atlanta, GA
Rose of Sharon was super excited to partner with the Official Pro Players in presenting the 3rd annual Living Behind the Mask Masquerade Gala in the fight to ending domestic violence.
Sandy Springs, Ga
OPP Hosted another UFC and Networking Mixer!

Atlanta, GA
OPP linked up with Monarch Magazine and Lincoln for a spectacular evening of networking in Atlanta.
OPP partnered with Rose of Sharon of Atlanta to help raise awareness about domestic violence while veiwing the Mayweather and Mcgregor matchup!